Monday, April 6, 2020

Holy Moley, What a mess!

It's been a while, and I don't know if anyone will be 'alerted' to a new post, but I wrote this for the Patient and Family Advisory council, a group of special people that I work with, but who I have been separated from as this pandemic wrecks its havoc.

As and unexpected introvert (yeah, that's me) I am probably doing ok, and yet, as introverted as I am, I love community (I guess that's the unexpected part, who knows)

I am finding things to do, like making different types of masks, not medically efficient, but not bad either.  Working on a model now with a denim exterior and cotton lining.  Got bandana rubber band and classic style with different sides so you know which one was facing out  if you have to take it off and reuse.  Our Son's love has a compromised immune system, as in one epi pen is usually not enough, so she's been quarantine since before Colorado locked down, she's become my hero, making masks for medical and food service friends.

I'm not cleaning and organizing as other more virtuous folks are (I'm sure I'll be sorry when this time is past, or maybe it will last long enough that I'll feel I must clean or be mocked by actual clean homemakers) but I'm working on my Japanese, which will be just as unusable as it was when I first took it. Guess I can re-watch all those Japanese language movies.   (And maybe get a job with Aisen when this is all over.)
I have a bad habit of starting the next book before I finish the last, so I'm trying to finish all those books, (seriously, there are probably 20 in a variety of subjects that are stacked on my night stand in a first come first served rotation unless I find another book like Mark Levin's UnFreedom of the press, which is actually on my iPad)  this is a mixed blessing.  Dark Agenda, Hiroshima (personal accounts of the aftermath of the end of the war with Japan), and No Traveler Returns (personal accounts of the Warsaw Ghetto at the end of WWII) , along with Greg Gutfeld's Not Cool are not happy books, need to pick one that's more, As You Wish, the story of the making of the Princess Bride, the Ally by Michael Oren.
Thank Goodness General Hospital has episodes that will take us through the end of June? May?
 I don't know what I'd do if I lost the connection with my friends in Port Charles.

I do love the run-on sentence as a literary tool.
Michael has been fighting with his chief nemesis, Apple, as he tries to post his messages on YouTube. Yesterday's message went up today, and just like that, my husband became a televangelist. Pretty cool but fear not, we'll remain the same humble, fashion backward, Jesus lovers we've always been.  He's also been working when he can at the House of Hope. Sadly we both suffer from seasonal allergies so if he is sniffling or has sinus congestion it just feels wrong to go in to help.  He does help on those days stock the foods that the feds decide they must distribute, to that, I have bushels of cucumbers....if anyone wants some.  Garbanzo beans too, if you need some, I can hook you up. You just never know what the truck will bring.
So, there you go. I'll stop now, I'm pretty sure this is all too much information.
Hope you're all well and not too stir crazy.  This too shall pass and we'll be stronger if not poorer for it.
Keep in mind that old bit if advice,  Illegitimi no carborundum with apologies to those who took Latin in High School, I don't know the word for virus so just went with the original.
Blessings to you all, and Yeshuah, Please,  Come be Lord over this Mess! 

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