Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Ok, this is just for fun, and to lighten up a bit from the last post.

I recently had a short stay at the Ma’agan Kibbutz in the Galilee.  It was spectacular in so many ways and I highly recommend it. The food, the view, the surrounding sites that made scripture come alive, and then there were the peacocks.

You may have noticed, I am easily distracted by fuzzy creatures and lizards, but I’m also a sucker for birds who know that they are all that and aren't afraid to show off for an audience.

This guy makes a regular morning appearance outside the dining room, prancing and strutting, showing off his finery as well or better than any Paris runway model.  He knows what the ladies want, and the human visitors as well.

Aren't I lovely?

Peacocks have a reputation as great watch ‘birds’, and these were true to their calling.  They seemed annoyed by cars and buses driving onto the property, and were on constant guard

Watching guests check in

starting outside the lobby, from their roosts in the branches of trees, roofs, and generally patrolling the grounds.  When disturbed, the have a disconcerting shrieking, scream like cry, or they run at you and hiss, much like a goose.

I learned that peafowl (what a sad name for such a beautiful creature) are not particularly friendly with other birds, but they do like the company of other peafowl, and just for your trivia fact sheet, groups of them are called parties.  How fun!

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